Website Rescue Melbourne

Problems with your website? Website Rescue are here to help.

If you are having problems with your website the team at Website Rescue are here to help! Perhaps you want to update your website and don't know how? Or you've changed something on your website and now things don't work? Or you just want to change a logo or a phone number? Perhaps your website has stopped working altogether?

Call us for Website Rescue if:

You feel hassled by web hosting and domain questions?
Your website developer is not replying to phone calls or email?
You just want to escape from a web developer who has locked you into long-term contracts?
You feel lost amongst all the website jargon?
You've spent a lot of money and ended up with a website that isn't what you wanted?
You don't understand the CMS (content management system) attached to your website?
Key staff have left your business and taken the website knowledge with them?
Your web designer left you hanging with a website that's not complete?
You REALLY want to be online but you don't know how to start?
You just want your website to tick along without any stress?

That's where we come in! We're here to help and we'll help your website become just another useful business tool that causes you no stress at all.

We are not going to push you towards yet another new website, we'll just meet with you at our office or come to you and try our very best to rescue your website from the situation that's most stressing you. 99% of the time we can get your website moving during our first call-out, for those other 1% of cases we'll devise a definite plan and go away and get things moving.
